I know what you’re thinking. Minty hasn’t written a post about culture????? Crazy.

I just thought I would write a life update. I do think that if I didn’t get tagged by all these amazing bloggers to do awards, you would probably not know anything about me. So, hopefully doing life updates will give you a better idea of what my life is like.

March was a weird month for me. It was great, but also rubbish. I think that my friends and I were just really stressed about upcoming exams and all this university stuff that our head of year keeps bringing up. So, they was a lot of fighting, but not face to face. Nooooooo. When I say fighting, I mean ranting about each-other behind each-others backs. Basically, this Easter holiday was really needed. Yeah, revising sucks but I have allowed myself quite a lot of ‘days off’. And the breaks I take in between revision on my work days are a solid 2 hours long. My sister told me that I need to love work. If I love it, I will be able to work for hours and not get sad or annoyed or distracted. Yeah, it’s a great point, but still, who loves work? I don’t want to get back to school and have this be me (yet again):


AND SUDDENLY APRIL CAME. I honestly have no idea why that was in capitals. April has been going okay so far. I haven’t cried yet, and if that isn’t an achievement I don’t know what is. I have also found a new appreciation for exercising- it is such a good stress reliever! I also watched Mothers Day last week- it was really good. Although I really like watching thrillers (like 10 Cloverfield Lane. If you haven’t watched it, I suggest you do- it’s so good) and horrors (if I’m not feeling too much like a chicken), it was really nice to just watch something funny and light- hearted. I also watched Nerve, which was amazing. It was exciting and kind of like a thriller/chick flick mash up (and it also had Dave Franco in it).

Also, I’m thinking of expanding the variety of my posts…I want to write about travel, makeup, lifestyle. I just think it would be good to ‘explore my interests’. Bad idea or good idea? Let me know.

Here’s hoping that the rest of April goes well, and to the rest of you also revising I hope you are being productive with your time- I know I’m not! Joking….not. Anyway, you will ace your exams, trust me! This was my update- update me on your life in the comments!

Stay fresh,

Minty xo